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n140602 nfoWorks nfoNote
ODF 1.2 Conformance

Trial Matrix


 0.01 2017-06-14 20:24 -0700

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Trial Matrix

The trial matrix is based on ODF 1.2 Committee Draft CD05.  This version of the matrix was produced on 2010-06-04T19:54Z.  The matrix image is a screen capture of a Microsoft Office Excel Spreadsheet file (17,382 byte .xslx file).

ODF 1.2 CD05 Trial Matrix (37,807 byte PNG image)

Hamilton, Dennis E.
ODF 1.2 Conformance Trial Matrix.   nfoWorks nfoNote page n140602c 0.01, June 4, 2015.  Accessed at <>.
Revision History:
0.01 2015-06-04-09:27 Provide Trial Matrix
The original trial matrix from 2010 is captured here for legacy purposes and as an initial indication of how a current matrix will be organized.
0.00 2014-11-11-08:49 Initial Placeholder Version
Provide initial placeholder version for holding a place for initial Guide notes.

Construction Structure (Hard Hat Area)
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created 2014-06-10-10:26 -0700 (pdt) by orcmid
$$Author: Orcmid $
$$Date: 17-06-14 20:24 $
$$Revision: 126 $