nfoWorks: tools for document interoperability

d140502 nfoWorks devNote
 Annotating XML Documents
Create Baseline Plaintext Replicas


0.04 2017-06-14 20:22

It is possible to generate the baseline replicas of an XML document using scripts and small programs.  The procedure illustrated here is essentially manual, making use of  desktop productivity software and a simple text editor (such as Notepad).  While this becomes a little involved, it demonstrates the conditions involved in obtaining to a plaintext replica with numbered lines.

Microsoft Office 2013 Excel is used for conversion of the XML document as text to a plaintext replica with an additional line-numbering column.  There is sufficient information to be able to employ alternative tools for this portion of creating replicas of XML documents that are amenable to use in annotations, commentaries, and other custom activities.  Use of other text-handling tools can be more straightforward, especially if indentation adjustments (essentially the elimination of tabs) are not required as they are with Excel.

The examples illustrate the creation of annotation forms of the OpenDocument v1.2 Manifest Schema, an XML document although named with a .rng extension.  The file that the procedure examples started with is [n140504b3].

1. Prerequisites
2. Importing into Excel
3. Adding Line Numbers
4. Setting a Fixed-Pitch Font
5. Correcting the Spacing and Indentation of Text
6. Saving and Verifying the Work
7. References

1. Prerequisites

2. Importing into Excel

3. Adding Line Numbers

4. Setting a Fixed-Pitch Font

5. Correcting the Spacing and Indentation of Text

It is desirable to remove unnecessary spacing in the line-number column and in the empty column between the line numbers and the imported text.  In addition, controlling the width of the empty cells that reflect tabbed indentations of the original file is useful.  In the illustration, the tabs introduce columns that are essentially 8 characters wide.  These can be reduced to a more-compact width by manipulating the spreadsheet columns.

6. Saving and Verifying the Work

7. References

OASIS Open.  Open Document v1.2 Manifest Schema.  Part of OpenDocument Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) Version 1.2.  29 September 2011 OASIS Standard.  Schema file OpenDocument-v1.2-os-manifest-schema.rng dated 2011-09-29 is available at <>.  The version used simply has .txt added to the end of the file name, with no other modifications.
Hamilton, Dennis E.  Open Document v1.2 Manifest Schema plaintext replica.  Derived from n140504d2 on 2014-05-11.  This is an exact replica with a line-numbering column at the beginning of each of the original 224 lines.
Hamilton, Dennis E.  Open Document v1.2 Manifest Schema plaintext replica spreadsheet.  Derived from n140504b3 on 2014-05-11.  This Microsoft Office 2013 Excel spreadsheet is the edited form from which n140504d1 was produced

Hamilton, Dennis E.
Annotating XML Documents: Create Baseline Plaintext Replicas.  nfoWorks devNote page d140502d 0.04 June, 2014.  Accessed at <>.
Revision History:
0.04 2015-06-01-10:04 Improve Indentation Explanations
The text is adjusted to make the handling of indented lines in the presence/absence of tab characters more explicit.
0.03 2014-05-31-08:41 Reflect NL and TAB use in chosen illustration
The appearance of NL line separations is noteworthy; also, the use of tabs in the schema for indenting is a factor in what happens with the import into Excel.  There are other touch-ups.
0.02 2014-05-12-14:27 Motivate the Manual Procedure
Using a script or small program can be simpler.  This essentially-manual version does provide demonstration of the essentials, although correction of indentations is likely a peculiarity from using Excel.
0.01 2014-05-11-20:30 Document the Procedure
The procedure for using Microsoft Office 2013 Excel to create a spreadsheet with numbered lines and the same layout as the XML document is demonstrated.  The extraction of a clean text file with the same appearance is then accomplished.
0.00 2014-05-11-17:55 Initial Placeholder
Provide initial placeholder content for sketching an approach for creating baseline plaintext replicas.

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created 2014-05-11-17:55 -0700 (pdt)
$$Author: Orcmid $
$$Date: 17-06-14 20:22 $
$$Revision: 42 $