Repaired Change-Tracking Namespace


tools for document interoperability

nfoWorks > ns> odf> 1.2> rct> Repaired Change-Tracking Namespace (placeholder)
  1. Overview

1. Overview

There are known defects in the specification and related implementations in ODF 1.2 text change-tracking.  This namespace is for extensions (foreign elements, attributes, and attribute values) introduced to remedy the major defects and provide for interoperable implementations, including dependable conversion to other formats having tracked changes.

The namespace is developed and defined as part of the RCT Repaired Change-Tracking ODF 1.2 Extension Profile, an externally-defined supplement to provisions of ODF 1.2 available for community reference and adoption.

 {2014-06-29 Ed.Note: This is a placeholder that is reserved for any solution that emerges from the effort to develop repairs.  The investigation is provided at rtc, n140501, and related folios.}

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