
c080201 nfoWorks Construction Note
Site Bootstrapping
2008-02-18 Announcement


0.02 2017-06-14 20:21 -0700

1. Announcement Inserts

1.1 Area Undergoing Bootstrap Customization

nfoWorks> bootstrapping> 2008-02-18 announcement>

nfoWorks Is Being Bootstrapped.

This is the new site.   The initial Construction Structure and Content is being bootstrapped by customization of material scavenged from other nfoCentrale sites.

Check the Site Bootstrapping Project pages for additional details on the approach to bootstrapping and its tracking.  Contact the nfoWorks technical coordinator with questions and to report any defects that you notice.


The basic notice is used for notification in all locations where customization of material is needed before the bootstrapping is complete.  This notice applies to the level at which it appears and all levels deeper than that.  It cannot be removed until the current level and all lower levels are complete.  If there is content as well as construction structure at or below a given level, this notice is not removed until the bootstraps of both are complete and so indicated.

1.2 Completed Construction Structure Bootstrap

This Construction Structure was successfully customized as part of the
2008-02-18 stage of Site Bootstrapping.  Check those pages for additional details of the approach to customization. 
Contact the nfoWorks technical coordinator with questions and to report any defects that you notice.

This insertion amends/replaces the announcement insertion when the construction structure at the point of insertion and for all deeper levels have been completed.

1.3 Completed Content Material Bootstrap

The Content Material here was successfully customized as part of the
2008-02-18 stage of Site Bootstrapping.  Check those pages for additional details of the approach to bootstrapping and customization. 
Contact the nfoWorks technical coordinator with questions and to report any defects that you notice.

This insertion amends/replaces the announcement insertion when the content material governed by a job jar, a Construction Structure page, or a Construction Zone has been repaved.

1.4 Conforms to Bootstrap-Governed Structure

This material conforms to the
2008-02-18 styles for Site Bootstrapping.  Check those pages for additional details of the approach and the styles. 
Contact the nfoWorks technical coordinator with questions and to report any defects that you notice.

This insertion is used with new material that is created directly on the site with no customization needed.

2. Approach 

  1. The first priority is to have the construction structure of the site be current and properly connected. 

    • This is accomplished by performing a review starting with the "front porch:" the root materials at  Work items and their completion will be reported as part of the front-porch Construction Zone.

    • After the front porch is adjusted, the construction structure of each subfolder is reviewed, extending recursively through all of the construction-structure elements only.    Additional items that happen to be noticed will be added to the work items of the applicable construction zone. 

    • The construction structure and the related construction zones can be located by navigating the construction structure provided at the front porch.

    • When the construction structure is reviewed and adjusted as necessary, a completion message will be inserted to avoid wondering which structures have and have not been reviewed.

  2. The second priority is to have enough Construction Material be consistent, reachable, and providing the proper templates. 

    • It is not necessary to rush customization of material that is used only by the web master, so long as the material that visitors see on main content pages is correct. 

    • Template materials will be correct, but the descriptive material for their use might not be updated until more-urgent content is provided.

  3. The third priority is to have a Notes Section Available for Use.  A notes section brought over in the bootstrap will be customized and put into use.

  4. Any additional sections will be "born" in the correct style and format for the site.  There will be no need to manage bootstrap customization for such materials.

Hamilton, Dennis E.
nfoWorks Site Bootstrapping 2008-02-18 Announcement.   nfoWorks Construction Note  c080201 0.02, April 7, 2008.  Available at <>.
Revision History:
0.02 2008-04-09-21:29 Go Green
All pages on the site are now bootstrapped.  All notices are being replaced by "green" ones and the "conforms to" notice will be used for all new pages where notices are used as part of affirmative status. 
0.01 2008-03-10-22:00 Customize for the nfoWorks Bootstrap
The notice insertions and the approach to working through the bootstrap are described.
0.00 2008-02-18-14:43 Create Initial Announcement Placeholder
A boilerplate placeholder is modified enough to have all correct style so that we can modify the include pages and use them immediately in managing the bootstrapping.

Construction Structure (Hard Hat Area)
Creative Commons License You are navigating nfoWorks construction material.
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.

created 2008-02-18-13:33 -0800 (pst) by orcmid
$$Author: Orcmid $
$$Date: 17-06-14 20:21 $
$$Revision: 159 $